When someone is arrested, how they act immediately after the arrest and throughout their case can have a huge impact on the outcome of their case. It's important for the person to contact a criminal defense lawyer as soon as possible after their arrest. However, there are some things they should keep in mind from the point they're stopped by the police until they can speak with their lawyer. Avoid Talking as Much as Possible Talking is not going to help the person avoid being arrested and, once they're arrested, they cannot talk themselves out of the arrest. All talking can do is give the police more evidence, even without the person meaning to. If the person is stopped by the police and questioned, they should answer questions like what their name is but should avoid answering further questions without legal representation. Make Sure to Request a Lawyer as Soon as Possible Anyone who is arrested will want to request their lawyer as soon as possible. Those who...
The arrested person will want to make sure they hire one of the best criminal lawyers so they have help from the time they're arrested to the end of the case.